Saint Joan of Arc

Saint Joan of Arc

Peasant to Patroness 

Joan was born in the year 1412 to a peasant farmer at Domremy. From a young age Joan was endowed with remarkable mental and physical courage which would lend to her aid later in life. She often felt herself guided by the voices of St. Michael, St. Catherine, and St. Margaret of Antioch. 

Her Piety was of noted greatness and she relied solely on the presence of God in her life. Joan often claimed to have direct communication with the Saints, but the visions of the 16 year old weren’t taken seriously. During the early 1400s there was a dispute in France over the occupancy of the throne. This soon led to a war between France and English. Prompted by divine inspiration, she joined the battle led the French army to victory in Orleans during the One Hundred Year War. 

St. Joan of Arc, national heroine and patroness of France, under divine guidance Captured a year later Joan was burned to death by the English and French collaborators on May 30th 1431. She was canonized May 16, 1920 and is celebrated on May 30th. 


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