The Crux Invicta Sword

The Crux Invicta Sword

The emblem before you, this fractured icon, is more than just a symbol—it’s a herald of the very fractures within our souls, the legacy of our struggle with original sin, born from our first breath.

The shattered sword before you is not a sign of defeat, but a profound reminder of the war we wage—a war against the concupiscence within, against the lure of temptation that beckons us to stray from the path of righteousness.

But take heart! For this broken blade is overshadowed by a far greater might—the unyielding Cross of Christ! It is our bastion, our refuge, our weapon of unassailable power.  The Crux Invicta, the Invincible Cross! In the shadow of the Cross, every knee shall bend, every heart will find courage, and every spirit will be armed with holy fervor.

Let the world catch flame with the truth shared by Saint Catherine of Sienna "Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire." This is not mere poetry, but a clarion call—a promise that through Him, through His Sacred Fire of the Spirit, we can become the humble soldiers of Christ and His Divine Conflagration, a Holy Blaze that purifies, renews, and leads the lost from darkness to dawn.

Yes, Christ, in His majestic sovereignty, needs not our feeble works but our hearts bent in prayer ablaze with an incandescent love, for Him. His plans, mysterious and profound through prayer, invite us—not as pawns, but as knights in the true works He has planned for a sacred cause of salvation.

The world does not need more empty souls and hearts. When we ask what the relationship is between prayer and action, then the priority of prayer and sacrifice should be emphasized more than action. We can bring God into the lives of others only to the extent of our having begged for it earlier on our knees.

So rise, soldiers of the cross! Raise high the standard of our faith, pray and march forth. Our battle is holy, our cause is just, and our victory is assured. Let the clarion call of our faith ring out: Crux Invicta! Crux Invicta! Crux Invicta!

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